REVIEWERS: This is not an active page on the website. It is stored for future development. 

How to participate in the cftp

There are several different ways to contribute to the CFTP's research program, find out more below based on your interests.


Although our field testing support is on pause as of December 2023, pending the integration of some upgrades to the field test methods, fill in our inquiry form to be notified when we're ready to get you started, or book a call via our Contact Page for preliminary planning.

Use the Open-source Data for your research

Thanks to the support of the 11th Hour Project, the CFTP is collaborating with the University of Chicago's Data Sciences Institute to release our field test data in a public database, slated for release in late 2024. Join our newsletter to be notified once this is live.

Weigh in on the Research

In spring/summer 2024, the CFTP will be convening a public review of the research-to-date and sharing potential future directions to take the research. We invite thoughts, perspectives and priorities from a wide audience! Join the newsletter to be informed once this event is scheduled.

Contribute Your Data

Have you conducted a field test, and you're interested in donating the data to this open-source project? Fill in our inquiry form and we'll be in touch to make this happen!

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